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Child, Adult Thumbsucking Can Harm Teeth: Here’s How to Stop

Thumbsucking is a habit most commonly associated with infants and toddlers, but it can last into adulthood for some. In both cases, thumbsucking can be bad for your teeth. A thumb-sucking habit can cause significant problems with your teeth. 

Hentscher-Johnson Orthodontics wants you to have the best smile possible. Part of that journey includes breaking your thumb-sucking habit. Although it may seem difficult, especially if you’ve carried the habit into adulthood, we have suggestions and even orthodontic appliances that can help.

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Why Do People Suck Their Thumbs? 

A baby sucking a thumb is fairly common, but adult thumb sucking is more common that you may realize. Some studies have shown that 1 in 10 adults have sucked their thumb at some point. 

What is the psychology of thumb sucking? Many see it as a way to relieve anxiety and provide relaxation and comfort, both in children and adults. However, thumb sucking teeth damage makes it a habit necessary to break. 

Why Is Thumb Sucking Bad?

A thumbsucking habit may not seem bad, but the jaws and teeth after sucking a thumb have a lot of damage, particularly in small children whose mouths are still developing. The pressure of the thumb pressed against the palate can warp the upper jaw, pressing it upward.

A thumbsucker’s teeth move forward and outward because of the thumb’s movement. This can cause a host of problems:

  • Overbite
  • Open bite
  • Deep bite
  • Difficulty with front biting
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Speech issues
  • Narrowed nasal passages

People don’t think about sucking thumbs as causes for breathing problems, but the nasal passages are located just above the palate. If the thumb warps the palate upwards, it narrows those passages. Children and even adults may have issues such as snoring or sleep apnea. Studies have shown thumbsucking can even contribute to a deviated septum. 

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Adult Thumb-Sucking Habits

Adult thumb sucking can cause similar problems in adult mouths as we see with child thumb sucking. For adults, breathing problems and sleep apnea can put them at risk for other issues, including heart problems. Problems chewing can cause digestive problems such as acid reflux. 

While it’s difficult to break this habit in children, it may be even more difficult to break a thumbsucking habit in adults. That’s because there is often more psychology involved with adult thumbsucking. But rest assured — there are ways to break this habit, and Hentscher-Johnson Orthodontics is here to help!

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Breaking a Thumb-Sucking Habit

What is the best way to break a thumbsucking habit? Do you know how to stop a baby from sucking a thumb? Will the same methods work with adult thumbsuckers? 

The best method to stop thumb sucking often depends on the person. Some methods work better than others for each individual. You just have to find the best option for you or your child. 

The American Dental Associate recommends your child stop sucking their thumb by 2-3 years of age to prevent teeth and jaw damage. Many children will stop on their own by growing out of the habit or being told to stop. 

It’s recommended that you provide gentle reminders and positive reinforcement to help the child stop sucking their thumb. Otherwise, confrontation could make the habit worse. You can encourage your child by placing a sticker or star on a calendar each day they don’t suck their thumb. After a week or month, they get a trip to the park, a coloring page, or some other small reward. 

Beyond age 2-3, the habit may be a bit harder to break and may require other methods to stop. Thumb sucking nail polish is a common method. It involves a non-toxic but bitter nail polish that’s applied to the thumb. The terrible taste often discourages the person from sucking the thumb. 

We don’t recommend the “home remedy” of putting hot sauce on your child’s thumb, mainly because it’s painful to the child. Other home remedies might work better, such as putting a glove, sock, or even a bandage on the child’s thumb to prevent them from sucking it. 

Thumbsucking Appliances From Your Orthodontist

What if you can’t stop sucking your thumb? This is often difficult for older children and adults, and the methods commonly used for children aren’t effective. An orthodontist may be able to help whether you need braces afterward or not. 

Many patients do need braces to repair damage to teeth from thumbsucking. We can include thumb-sucking appliances as part of your treatment. If you’re not ready for braces treatment, we can treat you just with the appliance! 

We often can stop the thumbsucking habit with a tongue crib. This appliance makes it impossible to suck your thumb. It also repositions your tongue off your back teeth so that it no longer presses against the back of your front upper teeth and pushes them outward. This can help prevent an overbite or open bite. 

Once you or your child has broken the thumbsucking habit, we can help you decide whether treatment with braces or clear aligners is needed to repair your teeth and bite. 

Thumbsucking Repair in Columbia, IL

Thumb sucking is a common habit and an often difficult one to break. Several methods are available to help, including thumbsucking appliances in Columbia, IL, from Hentscher-Johnson Orthodontics. Are you ready to stop thumb-sucking and start repairing your smile? Schedule an appointment with Hentscher-Johnson Orthodontics. We’ll help you stop your habit and transform your smile.

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